The Hair Loss Doctors By Robert J. Dorin

The Many Benefits of PRP Hair Treatment

Aug 1, 2015 @ 09:00 AM — by Robert True
Tagged with: Hair Loss Hair Transplants

Thinning hair can severely compromise your appearance. Whether you are dealing with hereditary pattern balding or a condition such as alopecia, hair loss can leave you feeling self-conscious about your appearance. At True & Dorin, we offer a number of options for patients struggling with hair loss.Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) hair treatment is an innovative option for patients with thinning hair. This non-invasive procedure can dramatically increase hair growth by stimulating the production of new hair cells. PRP treatment utilizes your body’s own cells to increase hair growth. Thus, it can dramatically improve your appearance and self-confidence with virtually no risks. To learn more about platelet-rich plasma hair treatment benefits, contact our New York practice today.

What Is PRP Hair Treatment?

Your blood contains plasma, which contains proteins called platelets. These growth factors control your body’s response to injury, stimulating the production of new cells. A higher concentration of plasma can encourage increased tissue growth. To raise the level of plasma in your blood, Dr. True or Dr. Dorin will take a sample of your own blood. He will then place the sample in a centrifuge, which will separate the platelets from the surrounding blood cells.

Next, your doctor will treat your scalp with a microneedling technique. Your skin will be numb during this treatment. It should involve minimal discomfort. However, your body will respond to the perceived damage, triggering the healing process. Then Dr. True or Dr. Dorin will inject your scalp with the platelet-rich plasma. He will also provide a topical treatment. The PRP can then work in conjunction with the natural healing process. The platelets will rouse inactive hair follicles and stimulate newly implanted follicles.

The Clinical Advantages of PRP Treatment

PRP hair treatment is becoming increasingly popular thanks to its many medical advantages. These benefits include:

Benefits for Your Appearance and Quality of Life

Once your hair begins to come back in, it can have tremendous benefits for your look and level of confidence. Your full head of hair can help you appear younger and, in some cases, healthier. In response, you may be more willing to face new social situations and challenges in the workplace. PRP hair therapy can benefit all patients with thinning hair. However, the results can be truly transformative if you have alopecia or an immune disorder that attacks the hair follicles.

Learn More about the Benefits of PRP Hair Treatment

Find out more about PRP hair treatment and how it may benefit you. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.