The Hair Loss Doctors By Robert J. Dorin

Your Lifestyle Can Have an Impact on Hair Loss and Thinning

Jul 1, 2016 @ 12:25 PM — by Robert True
Tagged with: Hair Loss Hair Thinning

Here at True & Dorin Medical Group, we always take the causes of hair loss into account when developing a custom hair loss treatment. It's only by addressing the cause of hair loss that the ideal solution can be determined. This focus on causes as well as solutions is one of the many reasons we've distinguished ourselves among the hair restoration centers in New York and along the east coast.

While a lot of hair loss has a strong genetic component, a person's lifestyle can also have an impact on the health of their hair. Let's consider some lifestyle issues that can lead to balding.

Diet Matters, Always

Eating right is one of the sure ways of staying healthy, looking your best, and feeling your best. It should come as no surprise, then, that a poor diet can be a contributing factor to hair loss. Deficiencies in certain vitamins and minerals (e.g., vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, zinc, copper) can cause issues with hair thinning and hair loss that go beyond any genetic predispositions. Keep in mind that eating lots of junk food can cause issues with hair loss just as much as fasting and not consuming enough food for your body's needs.

Another Reason to Quit Smoking

Smoking is linked to so many serious health problems, such as heart disease, lung disease, and different kinds of cancers. In addition to all of that, smoking can also increase your rate of degree of hair loss. When you smoke, you can disrupt the blood flow and oxygen supply that reaches your hair follicles, resulting in hair loss. If you want a healthy and full head of hair, avoid smoking and the use of tobacco products. There are many resources that can help you quit for good.

Less Stress Is for the Best

Stress can have a major impact on overall wellness. Worries about your career, your relationships, and other day-to-day concerns can build up, and if you can't find a means of release, it can take its toll on your health. In moments of chronic stress, your hormone levels can be affected, which can in turn result in changes in the hair growth cycle of your hormones. In many cases this hair loss is temporary, but it sure pays to find means of relieving stress or managing stress just for the sake of your general wellness.

Too Much Sun Can Lead to Hair Loss

The sun can feel great on a summer's day, and it's a fine source of vitamin D. Yet you can certainly get too much of a good thing. Excessive sun exposure can lead to skin cancer and other kinds of serious skin damage. The sun can also cause your hair to become brittle or weak if you aren't careful.

Be Careful with the Man Bun and Other Hairstyles

Certain kinds of hairstyle may look great and complement your personality. Yet if you have a man bun or corn rows, you might be doing serious harm to your scalp. The stretching and tension on the scalp can lead to hairs being pulled from the follicles. Over time, this can contribute to hair thinning and hair loss. Reconsider that hairstyle if you notice it's thinning out your hair.

Restoring Hair and Improving Wellness

For many of the above causes of hair loss, sometimes all it takes to promote hair growth is to improve your health and wellness. However, if you have suffered from hair loss, thinning, or baldness, we have plenty of surgical and non-surgical treatments available. When you meet with our team, we can go over the best things you can do and the best things we can do to give you that full head of hair you would like to have.

Contact True & Dorin Medical Group

To learn more about treating hair loss and improving your overall appearance, be sure to contact our team of hair loss and restoration specialists today. The experts at True & Dorin Medical Group are here to help you look your absolute best.